Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system
Enhancing the co-creation of innovation and knowledge in agriculture, forestry and related bio-value chains.
Developing an innovative European science and education roadmap for sustainable agriculture.
Inducing a paradigm shift from a linear to a cyclical approach of learning.
Toolbox for teaching practitioners
The aim of the Nextfood Toolbox is to support teaching practitioners in implementing action-based education. The Nextfood approach is a response to the need for education that enables us to deal with complex sustainability challenges. In this approach, a main focus is to train and develop the competences of observation, dialogue, reflection, participation, visionary thinking and facilitation through action learning in agrifood- and forestry systems.
Case Studies
12 Case Studies | 13 Countries | 3 Continents
NextFOOD employs a case-based action research to develop relevant and effective education and training programmes for a transition to more sustainable agrifood and forestry systems, and to generate new knowledge needed for similar achievements beyond the specific case.
Case Studies

Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system
Funding: Horizon 2020, European Union
Call: Rural Renaissance – Fostering Innovation and Business Opportunities
Topic: RUR-13-2017 Building a future science and education system fit to deliver to practice
Grant agreement: No 771738
Coordinator: Dr Martin Mellin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden
Duration: May 2018 to May 2022