Introducing Blockchain in multi-actors of the agri-food sector

Building intelligent and sustainable supply chains

Agronutritional Cooperation of the Region Central Macedonia and American Farm School hosted two workshops at the 29th Detrop Expo Boutique.

In line with the objectives of the NextFOOD project, blockchain technology was introduced to multi-actors in the agri-food sector, as well as the future of intelligent and sustainable supply chains.

Blockchain technology is a sophisticated information system software that will utilize advanced technologies to manage a digital database of all farmers’ education and training certificates. Agronutritional Cooperation of the Region Central Macedonia will safely create and store digital copies of business management training certificates related to the agri-food sector.

The American Farm School presented the future of Greek agri-food businesses in terms of sustainability and alignment with international tech developments:

-The critical issue or food traceability in real-time and without geographical constraints.

-Technologies used to continuously monitor and record the parameters needed to ensure the quality and traceability of products during production, processing and distribution of agri-food products.

-Market trends and how they are shaped and met by integrating high-tech solutions and tools into the daily routine operations of all the stakeholders in the supply chain from farm to the end consumer.

NextFOOD was presented through dissemination material to workshop participants and to thousands of visitors at the 29th Detrop Expo Boutique, 22-24/02/20.

PressRelease_Detrop Expo