Presentation of the Action Plan of ACRCM | Presentation of NextFOOD project

Agronutritional Cooperation of the Region of Central Macedonia|ACRCM, held a working lunch event, on the 22nd of May 2019, in Thessaloniki. The main focus of the event was on the one hand presenting the Action Plan of ACRCM and NextFood project and on the other awarding the Certifications to the Co-operative Members of ACRCM.
The attendees were members of the agrifood sector – associations, producer groups, universities, institutions, regional chambers of commerce, politicians and corporate affiliates- that share a common vision for innovative farming and processing in Greece. The discussion was centered on the implementation of NextFood project which will enhance educational methods and production practices. Furthermore, the topics of standardization and processing, marketing and promoting skills in the agrifood sector were also discussed. NextFood project was presented as an action learning model that emphasizes the participatory, the action-oriented education and learning in the agrifood and forestry sector. It was emphasized that the co-creation of knowledge and the synergies between all stakeholders are crucial for sustainable agrifood and forestry systems.