The 19 partners of NEXTFOOD
1. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden)
2. Lund University (Sweden)
3. University of Oradea (Romania)
4. University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic)
5. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway)
6. American Farm School (Greece)
7. Alma Mater Studiorum- Università di Bologna (Italy)
8. Bioinstitut (Czech Republic)
9. The Forestry Research Institute of Sweden (Sweden)
10. Αgronutritional Cooperation of the Region of Central Macedonia (Greece).
11. Centre International Hautes Etudes Agronomigues Mediterraneennes (France)
12. Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (Germany)
13. SEKEM Development Foundation (SDF) (Egypt)
14. Mekelle University (Ethiopia)
15. Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki (Greece)
16. Iseki-food association (Austria)
17. Roskilde University (Denmark)
18. University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy)
19. Universidad De Chile (Chile)